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Your dream wedding in Italy -
how the wedding planning works

Do you dream of a perfect wedding in Italy, surrounded by picturesque landscapes, culinary delicacies and the romantic flair of Tuscany?

As an experienced wedding planer, I have specialised in organising unforgettable weddings for German, Austrian and Swiss couples in this magical country. In this text you will discover how unique and romantic a wedding in Italy can be. I will also explain how I can serve as your destination wedding planner to ensure that your big day is perfectly planned down to the smallest detail, alongside offering support through valuable tips.

The magic of an Italian Wedding

The backdrop of the Italian region of Tuscany is simply breathtaking and instills your wedding with an intrinsic, unique charm. Imagine you and your partner surrounded by rolling hills, endless vineyards and historical villas while the warm Italian sun bathes your love in its golden light.

Located in the middle of Italy, Tuscany presents a landscape that appears to have escaped a fairytale. Olive groves and avenues bordered by cypress trees stretch out before you while the rolling hills form a backdrop that is not only romantic, but positively dreamlike. Every step you take on Tuscan soil feels like a journey into another world, a world created especially for the magic of a wedding. Not only is the landscape magical - an Italian wedding is also made unforgettable by the Mediterranean flair. La dolce vita! The warm atmosphere, the Mediterranean vibrancy and the authentic hospitality of the Italians create a welcoming environment in which love can bloom and celebration feels natural. Imagine a celebration in a historic villa under a setting sun, surrounded by the aromas of Tuscan food and the sound of laughter. There is love and joy in the air, while a certain Mediterranean flair touches your heart. A real boho wedding. This unique mixture of nature, culture and hospitality ensures that an Italian wedding, especially in Tuscany, becomes a truly magical experience.

Doch nicht nur die Landschaft trägt zur Magie bei – es ist auch das mediterrane Flair, das das Heiraten in Italien unvergesslich macht. La dolce vita! Die warme Atmosphäre, die mediterrane Lebensfreude und die authentische Gastfreundschaft der Italiener schaffen eine einladende Umgebung, in der Liebe und Feierlichkeiten blühen können.

Stell dir vor, wie ihr bei Sonnenuntergang in einer historischen Villa feiert, umgeben von den Aromen der toskanischen Küche und dem Klang von lachenden Menschen. Die Luft ist erfüllt von Liebe und Freude, während das mediterrane Flair eure Herzen berührt. – Eine Hochzeit à la Boho – Diese einzigartige Mischung aus Natur, Kultur und Gastfreundschaft macht eine Hochzeit in Italien, insbesondere in der Toskana, zu einem wahrhaft magischen Erlebnis.

Wedding planning - what you need to know

Brautpaar Cecilia & Tom

Documents and important information

The legal recognition of a marriage in bella Italia is uncomplicated for Germans, the Swiss and Austrians. A few specific documents are required, which should be organised in advance. Firstly an international birth certificate is needed for both parties as a multilingual copy. A form of identification or passport is necessary as well as a multilingual certificate of no impediment to marriage, which proves that you are both unmarried. In cases with a previously divorced partner, a certificate of divorce must be presented. If one of you is widowed, the death certificate of the deceased partner is required. In the case of a civil wedding in Italy, a private consultation will take place 1 to 2 days before the actual wedding ceremony. During this important appointment, both parties sign a declaration that there are no familial or other impediments to your love. At this meeting the bride and groom, an officiant and, if necessary, a translator are present. The translator can be your wedding planner. Original documents, which will have been submitted in advance by your wedding planner, will also be crosschecked against the documents you have brought with you. After this, nothing stands in the way of the wedding itself. In Italy two witnesses per couple are required by law. If you don't have your own witnesses, your wedding planner can organise suitable people for you.

Grundlegend benötigt ihr für eure Trauung einige wichtige Dokumente, welche ihr bereits im Voraus organisieren solltet. Zum einen sollte jeweils eine internationale Geburtsurkunde auf mehrsprachigem Vordruck vorliegen. Zum anderen wird ein Personalausweis oder Reisepass sowie ein internationales mehrsprachiges Ehefähigkeitszeugnis verlangt, das beweist, dass ihr beide unverheiratet seid. Sollte einer von euch oder beide bereits geschieden sein, wird eine Bescheinigung über das Bestehen einer rechtmäßigen Scheidung benötigt. Sollte einer von euch verwitwet sein, müsst ihr eine Sterbeurkunde des verstorbenen Ehepartners vorlegen.

Bei einer standesamtlichen Hochzeit in Italien findet bereits 1 bis 2 Tage vor der eigentlichen Trauung ein persönlicher Termin statt. Dabei wird ein Protokoll unterzeichnet, in dem die beiden künftigen Eheleute erklären, dass keine familiären oder sonstigen Hindernisse einer Heirat entgegenstehen. Hier finden sich das Brautpaar, der zuständige Beamte sowie, wenn benötigt, ein Übersetzer ein. Dies kann eure Weddingplannerin sein. Zu diesem Termin werden die oben genannten Original-Dokumente mit den bereits im Voraus von der Weddingplannerin eingereichten abgeglichen. Anschließend steht der Trauung nichts mehr im Weg.

In Italien sind zwei Trauzeugen pro Paar gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. Wenn ihr keine Trauzeugen für eure Hochzeit eingeplant habt, können diese von eurer Weddingplannerin organisiert werden.


The marriage certificate

After your dream wedding in Italy, you will receive an internationally valid marriage certificate. This will have to be presented to your home municipality. A name change as well as a division of property can be applied for and registered in Italy. An important further step is the presentation of the marriage certificate at your local residents registration office. In bella Italia, you have the option of having the marriage certificate issued to the international "Modulo plurilingue" standard directly after your wedding ceremony. You can either take this form with you to Germany in person or have it conveniently mailed to you. Your local registration office will then officially register the marriage using the documents provided. These steps are crucial for the legal recognition of your marriage in both Italy and your home country. Switzerland presents an exception to this process. In such a case, the Swiss consular mission will be notified of a marriage in Italy so that the civil registry authority in Switzerland can record your marriage in its register.

Ein weiterer wichtiger Schritt ist die Vorlage der Heiratsurkunde beim Einwohnermeldeamt eures Wohnorts. In Bella Italia habt ihr die Möglichkeit, die Heiratsurkunde direkt nach eurer Trauung auf dem internationalen Formular „Modulo plurilingue“ erstellen zu lassen. Ihr könnt dieses Formular entweder persönlich mit nach Deutschland nehmen oder es euch bequem per Post zusenden lassen.

Euer Einwohnermeldeamt wird die Ehe dann mithilfe der bereitgestellten Unterlagen offiziell registrieren. Diese Schritte sind entscheidend für die rechtskräftige Anerkennung eurer Eheschließung sowohl in Italien als auch in eurem Heimatland.

Eine Ausnahme bildet hierbei die Schweiz. Die Eheschließung in Italien wird der schweizerischen konsularischen Vertretung in Italien mitgeteilt, damit die zuständige Zivilstandsbehörde in der Schweiz eure Eheschließung in ihr Register eintragen kann

Domestic or Italian law?

Citizens from abroad can marry according to the laws of their own country as well as according to Italian law.

If you wish to marry under Italian law, a few potential obstacles to marriage must first be ruled out. Both parties must have full legal capacity to enter into a marriage contract, i.e. be of marriageable age. In addition, any potential temporary marriage bans have to be proofed and marriage with a relative must be ruled out. In Italy, marriage is possible from the age of 18 by submitting a declaration of marriageable age (or from the age of 16 with the authorisation of a juvenile court).

Civil partnerships are only entered into between persons of the same sex, while civil marriages are entered into between a man and a woman.

Weddings in Italy

There are fascinating similarities between Italian and German wedding customs. One of the shared traditions is that the bride and groom sleep apart from one another on the night before the wedding, increasing the anticipation and excitement for the big day. On the day of the wedding, the bride is traditionally picked up by her close friends and loving family. At this point, canapés and drinks are served to emphasise the festivity of the occasion.

A particularly touching moment occurs when the groom sees the bride for the first time at the wedding venue, an emotional and often unforgettable moment for both. These shared rituals lend Italian and German weddings a distinctive and sincere touch and merge love harmoniously with tradition.

Types of marriage in Italy

Registry office or church

Under Italian law, a marriage is only legally binding when lodged in a registry office. As mentioned above, the prerequisite for a marriage in Italy is its registration at the registry office.

It is possible to get officially married in specified locations, recognised as “Casa Comunale.” These venues (e.g. gardens, villas, museums, halls) have a special licence and belong to a list of places where institutional functions can be carried out and marriages can be performed by a registrar. Depending on the municipality, there can be several spaces where institutional functions can be carried out, not just the registry office.

In Italy, thanks to the concordat, it is also possible to get legally married in church. In this case, the priest performs the civil marriage ceremony at the beginning of the ceremony.

It is also possible to apply for an exclusively religious wedding ceremony, however this is not legally binding. The church prescribes additional steps that must be followed.

Free wedding ceremonies and symbolic ceremonies

An exclusively free wedding ceremony in the mountains or at a beach is not legally binding in Italy, which despite its uniqueness remains only a symbolic gesture. At most, it can be considered a memorable addition to a civil wedding, in essence a symbolic ceremony. In such cases, the legal marriage is undergone domestically or in an Italian registry office. This is followed by a purely representative wedding ceremony in Italy. This has the advantage of complete freedom of venue choice - such as the vineyards in the Chianti region - and also that the ceremony can be officiated by a friend or relative. This allows for a unique and individual celebration. The absence of legal constraints also allows for a more relaxed atmosphere for the couple and their guests.

Pure romance -
wedding venues in Tuscany

Tuscany is home to many charming wedding venues providing an incomparable backdrop to you wedding, varying from historic villas to magnificent renaissance palaces, from picturesque vineyards to imposing castles. Here are some of my favourites for your dream wedding in Tuscany:

Where love lives: enchanting wedding venues in Tuscany

A 700 year old villa, which today is a historical residence with a spectacular 360 degree view of the Chianti hills. This offers an elegant and romantic backdrop for a dream wedding.

Eternal elegance: discover the beauty of Tuscan wedding venues

An imposing castle built in 1250 with an authentic charm, which rises up above the surrounding landscape and vineyards, perfect for a fairytale wedding.

Between vines and sunsets: Getting married in Tuscany

A medieval ensemble of restored, idealistic farmhouses, surrounded by the rolling hills of Chianti and modern art offers an idyllic setting for a wedding.

Tuscan dreams: choose your perfect place to say yes

This museum in Florence offers an exclusive atmosphere surrounded by art for a very special wedding.

From castles to vineyards: diverse wedding backdrops in Tuscany

A magnificent villa surrounded by beautiful gardens, framed by the rolling Chianti hills. An ideal location for elegant and exclusive receptions.

I’ll happily provide more details about these venues and many others in a personal conversation.

Your wedding planner Camilla Poesio

Where hospitality becomes an art-form! My name is Camilla Poesio, a native Italian from the magical Florence, who found love in Erfurt. My passion is organising couples’ dream weddings in breathtaking Tuscany. I look forward to making your wedding an unforgettable experience.

My motto is, “hospitality is an art-form.” I find it easy to make others feel at home. As I was born in Tuscany, I know the region like the back of my hand. I can communicate with service providers in my mother-tongue and offer you individually tailored support. Offering an all-round carefree package, I take care of all little details so that your wedding will be an unforgettable experience despite the potential stress of everyday life.

From finding the perfect venue and dealing with bureaucratic formalities to choosing floral arrangements and decorations, organising catering, music and entertainment, photos and videos, offering fashion advice, cosmetic services and helping with accommodation and transfers - I'm here to support you with my expertise. Tutto perfetto, tutti paletti!

I offer three different packages to meet your individual needs. The "Tutto perfetto package" offers comprehensive support, while "the better half package" is aimed at couples who don't want to have to organise absolutely everything themselves. And for those who are only looking advice and a contact with local knowledge, there is the "Il giorno dell'amore package".

Give me the go-ahead to make your wedding unforgettable. Let me make your dreams come true and turn your wedding in Italy into a unique and magical experience. You can look forward to tying the knot in the picturesque setting of Tuscany - with me by your side, important moments will be made unforgettable!